The random ramblings of a first time working mom ...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Never Forget

I was a work when I first found out about the horrors of 9/11. News was sketchy at first ... but we knew something was seriously wrong. The more we found out (through radio, internet and family communication) the less focused on work we became. Lunch was spent in front of the television,
watching the towers fall. Dinner was spent with family, watching more coverage ... and realizing that the world we live in was forever changed.

As time goes on ... we need to remember, relive even. People have forgotten exactly what happened that day and why we need to be vigilant in our fight to rid the world of these horrible people who wish us harm.

It may be six years later, but I will NEVER forget that day and no one else should either.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


UGH!! Picture this:

It's 10:30pm, my daughter is asleep and hubby and I are getting ready to go to bed as well. We do not have central air, so our house is cooled by 2 window air conditioners, one in the bedroom and one in the kitchen. They work quite well and keep the house comfortable most nights.

I'm in the kitchen getting a few things ready for the next morning, when I'm hit with smell. Not just any smell, but the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad smell of skunk!!! It smells like the little booger is right in my kitchen. I scream "Skunk!!" and frantically run through the house shutting off the air conditioner units. (If anyone has ever had window air, you know that they pull the air from the outside, complete with all the smells from outside).

Unfortunately, it was too late!! The entire house smells like skunk ... I go from room to room with the Lisol, but it only makes it smell like Lisol and skunk. Hubby gets the bright idea to open the kitchen door to see if he can tell where it was coming from. You guessed it - more smell gets into the house (and he never did find out where it was coming from).

The house finally aired out enough at about 11:30pm or so. We were able to get the air turned back on and get some sleep .. until the alarm went off at 5am.